Everything Drones

January 28, 2014

Drone Autohacks other Drones, and you can Build one Too!

Filed under: drone — admin @ 10:54 pm

Drone Autohacks other Drones, and you can Build one Too!


With Amazon making headline news about their automatic drone deliveries, a security consultant has released his plans for making a predatory type drone that takes over other drones.

Skyjack “Zombie Drone” software created by Samy Kamkar turns a Parrot AR Quadcopter drone into a flying hacking station that uses a Raspberry Pi and the Aircrack NG tools to find and take over other Parrot drones.

Non-Parrot drones should be safe from his design though, as it searches out for the Parrot’s particular MAC address, and only attacks Wi-Fi signals.

Let’s hope no one puts something like a WaveBubble on one of these Zombie Drone Attackers:

A WaveBubble, though highly illegal to actually build, finds and jams all RF signals in its proximity. This includes GPS, Wi-Fi, Cell Phones, BlueTooth, etc…)

A drone equipped with both technologies (which we don’t support or recommend) could, in effect, try to hack a Wi-Fi based drone and take it over, and if that didn’t work, could possible jam the drones signals and cause it to crash.

Oh the joys of technology…

Sammy has released the plans for his project, see the above YouTube page for links.

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