remove ms messenger

1 Dec

Remove Messenger from XP

Start/Run/RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

Stop Windows Messenger from Auto-Starting

Simply delete the following Registry Key:


Uninstall Messenger

You have to edit sysoc.inf (located in /WINDOWS/inf). Under [Components] you should see the following line:
msmsgs=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7. Take the word ‘hide’ out of the line, and it should look like this:
msmsgs=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,,7. Exit and save.

Go to Add or Remove Programs, and click on Add/Remove Windows Components. There you should now be able to uncheck the MSN Messenger Service, and by clicking Next it will uninstall.